Mr saturn village - Eagleland

Saturn village mr Frank Mitchell

Saturn village mr MOTHER 64


Saturn village mr Mr. Saturn

Saturn village mr Frank Mitchell


Saturn village mr Trouble in

Saturn Valley (EarthBound)

Saturn village mr Saturn Valley

Saturn village mr EarthBound

Saturn Valley

Saturn village mr Mother (video

Saturn village mr Temmies (Undertale)

Saturn Valley (EarthBound)

Saturn village mr Trouble in

Mr. Saturn

Even though they both have trash grammar, looks like Mr Saturns were able to build a village and their own little society, and are able to sustain themselves.

  • Japan's version of the console did not include the game.


Meanwhile, he brought Dorian to live with them without telling Dee that Dorian was his son.

  • Apart from Mother 3 's rhythm and battle mechanic, the two game's battle systems are similar.