Teresa l vip - Teresa L VIP

L vip teresa Teresa L

L vip teresa Teresa L

L vip teresa From Thanatophilia

L vip teresa From Thanatophilia

L vip teresa From Thanatophilia

From Thanatophilia to Necropolitics: On the work of SEMEFO and Teresa Margolles, 1990

L vip teresa From Thanatophilia

L vip teresa Teresa L

From Thanatophilia to Necropolitics: On the work of SEMEFO and Teresa Margolles, 1990

L vip teresa From Thanatophilia

Teresa L VIP

L vip teresa From Thanatophilia

L vip teresa From Thanatophilia

Teresa L VIP

Teresa L VIP

The cadavers in this series are stored in the morgue in the hope that some family member or friend will claim them and give them the dignity of a proper burial.

  • There is also a young girl who appears to have been mutilated and partially burned.

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