Judas contract wiki - Tales from the Dark Multiverse

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Contract wiki judas Teen Titans

Teen Titans: The Judas Contract: Loot Cache

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Contract wiki judas Judas Contract

Contract wiki judas New Teen

Contract wiki judas Judas Contract

Contract wiki judas Teen Titans

Contract wiki judas Judas Contract

Teen Titans: The Judas Contract


Bruce and Alfred planted a handyman named in Arkham to fake Bruce's death and give him access to several inmates that taught him how to be a skilled warrior.

  • While the other Titans fight Brother Blood, Deathstroke attempts to escape but Nightwing and Robin battle Deathstroke to get revenge for his attack on them.

Teen Titans: The Judas Contract

This team consisted of Nightwing, Troia, Arsenal, Tempest, the Flash, Starfire, Cyborg, the Changeling, Damage and Argent.

  • He was rescued by another of Ra's Al Ghul's former henchmen, Ubu.

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