William preston longley - Bill Longley (gunfighter)

Preston longley william Bill Longley

Preston longley william Bill Longley

Preston longley william TSHA

Preston longley william

William Wild Bill Longley

Preston longley william WILD BILL

Preston longley william Who Was

Preston longley william Bill Longley

Preston longley william William Preston

Boastful Bill Longley: Cold

Preston longley william WILD BILL

Preston longley william Boastful Bill

Boastful Bill Longley: Cold

When the rickety stairs appeared to shake or almost give way, Longley warned the others before proceeding up the steps.

  • The reason the grave was lost is that sometime in the 1970s the cemetery people widened a road and since Longley's grave was outside the cemetery proper, it was the only one in the way of the widening.

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