Sexy rebecca chambers - Rebecca Chambers

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Rebecca chambers sexy Rebecca Chambers

Rebecca chambers sexy Rebecca Chambers


Rebecca chambers sexy Rebecca Chambers

Rebecca chambers sexy Rebecca Chambers

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Rebecca Chambers on ResidentEvil

Rebecca chambers sexy Rebecca Chambers


Rebecca chambers sexy Rebecca Chambers


On the night of Thursday 23 July, Bravo Team took off in a , and flew northwest into the Arklay Mountains.

  • Scouted for her talents by various groups, she found herself picked for the , the special forces division of the Assigned to the Bravo Team in June 1998, Chambers served as Rear Security and as its Medic, with her expertise making up for a lack of experience in combat.

Rebecca Chambers

Soon after 22:00, the helicopter experienced engine difficulties and was forced to make an emergency landing in the forest; this was later determined to be the result of sabotage, but was not known at the time.

  • Before she joined the force, she was a and graduated from college at only 18 years old.