Odin sphere imdb - Vanillaware's Profile

Imdb odin sphere English voice

English voice actors?

Imdb odin sphere Vanillaware's Profile

English voice actors?

Imdb odin sphere English voice

Imdb odin sphere Vanillaware's Profile

Vanillaware's Profile

Imdb odin sphere English voice

Imdb odin sphere English voice

Vanillaware's Profile

Imdb odin sphere Vanillaware's Profile

Imdb odin sphere English voice

English voice actors?

Imdb odin sphere Vanillaware's Profile

Imdb odin sphere Vanillaware's Profile

Vanillaware's Profile

You can check imdb, but I'm not too sure how acurate some of them are.

  • Not sure if that's how she normally talks or if she's become typecasted for those characters and is forced to use it all the time profesionally, though.

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